JNTU-HYDERABAD : Computer organisation Important Questions Unit Wise For B.Tech R13

Here are the latest important questions of Computer Organisation(CO). These are very useful to the students who are from JNTUH R13.


  • Write About Instruction Formats
  • Explain The Concept of 1Aaddress,2-Address,3-Address,4-Adress Registers With Examples
  • Compare B/W 0-Address,1-Address,2-Address,3-Address
  • Expalin About Addressing Modes With Examples
  • List The Conditional Branch Instructions
  • Write Program To Evaluate The Arthemetic Statement x=A-B+C*(D*E-f) Using a General Register G+H+K
  • Computer With 3-Address Instructions


  • Explain I/o interface with an example
  • Explain isolateed vs memory mapped I/O
  • explain the strobe control method of asynchronous data tranfer
  • What is DMA?Explain it's working
  • What are the various schemes which are used for data transfer between two device of a computer?


  • Explain memory hierarchy in detail
  • A computer uses RAM chips of 1024 x 1 capacity

            i)how many chips are needed and how should their address lines be connected to provide a  memory capacity of 16k bytes
            ii)How many chips are needed to provide a memory capacity of 16 bytes

  • give the hardware organisation of associative memory
  • write the match logic of associative  memory
  • what are different types of mapping techniques sed in usage of cache memory?explain
  • compare and contrast direct and associative mapping techniques.


  • Draw the pin diagram of 8086 processor and describe tge function of each pin 
  • Discuss the general functions of all general purpose resgisters of 8086
  • Explain the special function of each register and instruction suppor fo these functions
  • write about sgment resgister in brief
  • expalin the concept of pipelining
  • explain the 16-bit flag register format of 8086 and explain each flag in detail
  • Explain in detail about addressing modes of 8086

► UNIT-V  

  • Explain about instruction format of 8086 with suitable examples
  • Discuss various branch instructions of 8086 microprocessor that are useful for relocation
  • what are loop instructions of 8086?explain the use of DF flag in the execution of string instructions
  • Explain the arithmetic instructions of 8086 processor
  • write an ALP in 8086 to display string "welcome" on the screen
  • write an ALP in 8086 to find a max number in the array of 10 numbers
  • write an ALP in 8086 to  exchange a block of n bytes of data b/w source and destination
  • write an ALP in 8086 to  find average of 2 numbers
  • write an ALP in 8086 to find LCM of 2 16-bit unsigned numbers
  • write an ALP in 8086 to  convert a 16-bit binary into equivalent BCD
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