Trending : How To Memorize Anything

Hi Friends, here the exams time has come.. you may be busy with finding subject notes or bits or busy in taking a photocopy(Xerox) Or Micro Xerox of the very important questions which are given by your lecturers or from the question banks which you are following. Many of us are having problem to memorize all the things, subjects, topics, chapters and concepts, even me having that kind of problem to memorize all the cheesy stuff.

Some years JNTUH external examination pattern was, they used to give 8 questions we have to write 5 all are long answers or essay type. But, now the whole pattern changed. You have to face all the things with in a short span of time and you must do the smart work. Hats off to the students who are all still running to win the race.

Here is the May first term is coming up. Many of the lecturers says that If can't understand Just Memorize. And to Memorize there are many methods, but, try to follow the "Stacking" method:

► First, use a pencil or word processor (I prefer the latter because it’s faster) to type, in complete sentences, any fact you think might appear on the test. Use short sentences because they’re easier to remember. Take your printed notes into a quiet room, shut the door, and eliminate all distractions.

► Look at the first sentence in your notes and read it out loud. Then, close your eyes and say the sentence without looking at it.

► Repeat the step above, this time with the first 2 sentences.

► Next, try it with 3 sentences. Then 4.

► Repeat until you have memorized every sentence in your notes.

The article also notes that completing the process twice (once more after taking a short nap) is also a good idea. Any other tips for memorizing?

My humble advice is that learning means not memorizing, learning is understanding. Understand everything, related everything in your subject to you life style or your surroundings then you can easily present it. Presentation will play a big role, this is the thing which scales your understanding. There is a quote I remember,

If You Can't Explain It Simply, You Don't Understand It Well Enough.
                                                                                                                      -Albert Einstein
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